Tuesday September 22
Lecture quiz 9 first name ________________________________

Write a C program equivalent to one of the C programs in sections 1.5 of K&R. The programs are called file copying, character counting, line counting, word counting, and arrays. They are described on pages 15 to 24 of K&R (or see programs 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 at http://www.temple.edu/stafford/cis2107f12/kandr/chap1/index.html

  1. copy1.c, copy1.txt
  2. copy2.c, copy2.txt
  3. count1.c, count1.txt
  4. count2.c, count2.txt
  5. count3.c, count3.txt
  6. count4.c, count4.txt
  7. count5.c, count5.txt